Investigation of Machine Vision Techniques to Quantify Faults on Hides and Skin

Visual Computing Technologies is providing consultancy services to the New Zealand Leather and Shoe Research Association (LASRA) under a six-years project, which aims to develop machine vision technologies to quantify leather quality industrial settings.

The project aims to develop a cutting-edge machine vision based platform for quality control in leather production in an industrial setting compliant to Industry 4.0 standards. The project is divided into two phases of development:

  1. The first phase involves development of a real-time machine vision system for simultaneous leather defect detection using cutting edge machine learning technologies. This module is aiming to identify multiple defects simultaneously at a low latency.
  2. The second phase aims to develop a module for defect categorization and quantification in terms of leather quality, that would recommend modifications in the processing pipeline.

Web Based AI Engine and Data Collection Portal

As part of the research project, we are developing a web-based portal which can collect data from various leather companies across the world and fine-tune our AI services according to their needs. The portal is currently in developmental stages with our AI services available for leather defect categorization and detection. The leather defect analysis, data collection and storage facilities are in development phase.